What exactly is a Duo Dog?
We are dogs who are trained to provide courage and comfort — we reinforce self-confidence when you’re in doubt. We want our presence to help you overcome emotional barriers and convey a feeling of protection. I’m so proud to be a Duo Dog!
Your fur is so pretty and shiny – and black. So, how did you get the name Red?
Thanks! I was part of Duo Dog’s Purina Litter, which means Purina named me and my siblings. Purina employees were also our volunteer puppy raisers (people who train us until we are ready to go to advanced training to begin our careers.) Purina’s checkerboard logo is Red and White, so I think that’s how I got my name.
How many siblings (litter mates) did you have? Do they have special Purina names too?
There were 10 of us in my litter. My litter mates’ names are: Busy, Checkers, Charlie, Dani, DC, Fancy, Frisky, Lou, and Ralston. Ralston, Busy, and Lou are all working, like me. My other litter mates took a different path and are pets in loving homes.
Have you met Lucy Spivey yet?
Yes, Lucy is awesome! I heard that her brother, John, is away at college now so I hope she’s not too sad about that. I am so glad she visits us on Tuesdays. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to play with Lucy because I’m working when she visits. Sometimes I see her and want to run down the hall to say “hi, hey, welcome back to Priory, let’s play!”, but I refrain because I am very disciplined. When I’m working, I’m all business.
Who is your favorite handler?
I can’t choose a favorite, but here’s what I like about being with each of them:
Mrs. Rayhawk is a very calming human. She brings me good treats! Plus, her office is peaceful and has nice low lighting which is great for napping.
When I’m with Mr. Mizera it’s the opposite of calm! There are always lots of boys hanging around. I love it when he takes me for walks around campus.
Mrs. Jung feeds me! There’s a good futon in her room that is perfect for my periodic power naps. When I go home with her after school, I get to be with the Jung’s family dog, who I now count as my sister.
Mr. Malecek takes me to meetings, which is sometimes just “blah-blah-blah”. I love being with him, but when I’m in Malecek’s office, I think to myself, “do people think I’m in trouble right now?”
Fr Francis calls you his God dog. Is he a good “Dogfather”?
He’s the best! He gets so excited to see me every day and he even came to my Duo Dog graduation ceremony.
By the way, I’ve never visited the monastery. I’d like to do that someday. I hear that Fr. Dominic gives tours. Fr. Dominic, if you’re reading this, let’s talk.
What would you do if you could be a Priory student for a day?
Wait, aren’t I a Priory student? Anyway… I’d probably try out for soccer or maybe see if I could be a soccer manager – anything to hang around Mr Mohrmann. He is so nice and lets me invade his office space.
I’d also definitely go to lunch. Chicken tendies, spicy chicken sandwiches, pub fish, the pizza maker, wow! I’m also very interested in the ice cream situation. I’m obviously not too picky, but I’d prefer not to go on salmon day or shrimp day.
Lastly, I would like to join the Spirit Club. I’m happy to dress up in theme and bark at the other team. Go Ravens!
Have you met all of the teachers yet?
Yes, I think I’ve met every single teacher. I really want to get to know Mr. Finan. I’ve noticed that he’s always “getting his steps in” and I’d like to see if I could join in on that. Did you know that dogs are really good at sensing things about humans? Like, sometimes he yells but he actually cares a lot about all of the students, and is soooo sweet.
Do you have a job when you’re at school?
When I am wearing my vest, I am working. It’s a Duo Dogs rule that I always have to be on leash when I am at school and working. My job is to help everyone have a good day. I am especially good at helping if someone is having a tough time.
What’s your favorite part of the day?
To be honest, the best part of my day might be driving home. I’m always exhausted from working all day. Sometimes I fall sound asleep before we even get out of the parking lot!
What makes you happy?
When students stop to say HI and pet me. I also know that not everyone loves dogs, and that’s ok.
I saw you at the winter musical! What did you think? Who was your favorite character?
I loved it! I was really proud of everyone in the show – the actors, the stage crew, the sound & lighting guys. I think there was even a Form I student who played the violin – impressive. Of course, Snoopy was my favorite. Sorry, I’m biased.
Have you gone to any other school events?
Yes, Mrs Jung took me to Basketball Senior night/monk night. It was very fun and very loud. I can’t wait for Spring sports to start so I can cheer on the guys. I love to support my Ravens. Come tell me what you’re up to so I can make plans!