These songs are in my opinion the five best Halloween songs of all time.
1. Monster Mash by Bobby Picket
Monster Mash was released in August of 1962 and is sung by Bobby Picket. The song combines a great groove with the classic Halloween feel to create the song. This is why me and many others believe that this is the best Halloween song of all time.
2. Thriller by Michael Jackson
Thriller was released in November of 1982 and is sung by Michael Jackson. The song combines Michael Jackson’s talent with sound effects to create one of the best Halloween songs of all time.
3. Spooky Scary Skeletons by Andrew Gold
Spooky Scary Skeletons was released in August of 1996 and is sung by Andrew Gold. The song combines classic Halloween themes and sounds to create this classic Halloween song. This is why this song is one of the best Halloween songs of all time.
4. Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr
Ghostbusters was released in June of 1984 and is sung by Ray Parker Jr. The song combines playful lyrics and funky rhythms to create one of the best Halloween songs of all time.
5. Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell
Somebody’s Watching Me was released in January of 1984 and was sung by Rockwell with guest vocals by Michael and Jermaine Jackson. The song combines a haunted house theme with vivid Halloween imagery to make one of the best Halloween songs of all time.