40 Days For Life Field Trip
November 18, 2022
A few weeks ago, the Respect Life Club went on our first field trip of the year for the 40 Days for Life campaign. We travelled to the Planned Parenthood in the Central West End and spent close to three hours praying outside. After that we had lunch at Pi Pizza and then made our way to the Cathedral Basilica. This trip was a good way to fight on the frontlines for the unborn through prayer and sacrifice.
The weather was perfect for this trip: dark, cold, and cloudy. We were given a great opportunity to offer up suffering while praying outside in the frigid air. While we were standing outside the gate at Planned Parenthood, we prayed three Rosaries, several Divine Mercy Chaplets, the Litany of Loreto, and the Angelus. We also sang the Salve Regina and the Walsingham Hymn. All of these prayers have a Marian aspect, which was intentional. The Respect Life Club is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe and Walsingham. We honor her as the Mother of the unborn and always seek her intercession in club meetings and trips.
Whenever I pray outside of Planned Parenthood, I’m always struck by how strangely ominous the place is. The facility looks normal, just white walls with the name in blue letters. But the stark reminder of how many lives have been intentionally taken there hangs over the building like a dark cloud. It almost seems surreal to stand outside the gates, so close to the site of thousands of deaths.
After we finished praying outside, we made our way to the Cathedral Basilica. The total opposite of Planned Parenthood, the Cathedral is stunningly beautiful and brings feelings of awe and peace. Just walking in was a good reminder that God knows what He’s doing and will win in the end. We spent some time walking around the Cathedral and just taking it all in. Then we finished the trip with time in Adoration in front of the tabernacle.
This whole trip was just the beginning of the Respect Life Club’s commitment to prayer and witness for the unborn this year. If anyone reading this is interested in joining, I encourage you to do so. Society needs men willing to stand up and fight for life, now more than ever.