Puzzles on Campus!

Mrs. Lane

Would you like to improve your memory, increase your IQ and productivity, and decrease stress?? If so, I have the perfect activity for you…. Puzzles!

Since September, there’s been a table outside my office with a non-stop stream of puzzle construction. The Puzzle team (basically anyone who puts in more than one piece is part of the team) works on our perplexing puzzle projects throughout the day. The core team consists of myself, Mr. Rivera, Drew Steinhubl (Senior and champion puzzler), Dominic Kauffeld (Freshman), Cam Wong (8th grade), as well as Walker Bealke and Charlie LeBlanc (7th Grade), with the occasional special guest appearance from Mrs. Mohan (the mastermind behind bringing this wonderful obsession to the school). 

We average about one or two puzzles per week, but there have been a few that we had to give up on because of missing pieces or extreme frustrating difficulty. We’ve also completed a 3D version of Saint Peter’s Basilica as well as a couple really fun “spot the difference” ones that turn out different from the picture on the box.

Father Cassian and the Monastery donated a huge bunch of puzzles recently! We are chipping away at them. If anyone has a puzzle suggestion, or would like to loan us one, we would certainly love to try it! 

The puzzle table is available to anyone at any time who needs a break from the grueling days of work and school. So feel free to stop by to pop in a piece or two!