Behind the Senior Tie Project
Priory Class of 2022 standing with their completed Senior Tie Project
December 6, 2021
Since 2005, Priory Senior parents collaborate on the Senior Tie Project. During our Junior year, parents collected a tie from each student. These ties were disassembled and formed into a piece of art. This labor of love took over 200 volunteer hours. Historically, the artwork is based on something related to campus. For the Class of 2021, the design was inspired by the window over the alter in the Abbey. This year the depiction of a tree was chosen as a representation of Priory’s brotherhood and the natural beauty of our campus. Attached to the artwork is this special write up on the meaning of this particular project…
“We are excited to present our tie artwork, The Tree of Exceptional Life to honor Priory graduates of Class of 2022!
Trees are a symbol of life, and they are mentioned continuously throughout our Bible including the first page of Genesis and the last page of Revelation. Trees bring blessings, nourishment, shelter, strength, beauty, and triumph. Trees carry symbolisms with them. An oak tree is a symbol of strength, an elm tree is a symbol of dignity, and faithfulness, and a cedar tree is frequently used in art as a symbol of Christ.
Our Priory Class of 2022 tie artwork design is filled with beautiful symbolisms as well. The strong roots stand for our boys’ deep spiritual foundation that comes from the Bible. The muscular trunk stands for a solid upbringing that includes our boys’ strong Priory formation. The branches represent the diversity of humanity and the different directions that our boys will take in life. Please note that some of the branches come together to form two hearts. These loving shapes serve as a recognition of the two greatest Commandments of God as they relate to our boys’ relationship with themselves and others. Last but not least, the leaves made out of our boys’ ties with their names embroidered represent our boys’ individuality as each Priory graduate is God’s unique gift to this world. The color gold is intended to be used throughout the artwork including the roots and trunk as a gentle symbol of Christ’s presence. The thin gold cords running through the branches symbolize Christ’s dwelling in each graduate and in this world.
Our artwork also comes with an inspirational Bible verse: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse is to inspire our sons to trust God for His guidance. With so many changes currently happening in this world, including COVID, we thought that this was the right verse to offer our boys hope, and strength to feel contentment, and empowerment through Christ our Savior.
We are grateful to Abbot Gregory for blessing all of our boys’ ties with holy water that came from the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy from Poland. The Sanctuary of Divine Mercy is where Sister Faustyna Kowalska had her visions of “I Trust in You, Jesus.” May the holy water used for our boys’ tie blessing nourish our tree of exceptional life and shower our boys and their families with blessings of love, peace, and prosperity!”
If you haven’t already, please be sure to pick up your Priory Christmas ornaments featuring this piece of art!